import { Resource } from ""
import { removeObjectEmptyFields } from "";
import { SlackAPI } from "";
* @param cursor Paginate the list of users by setting the cursor parameter
* to a `next_cursor` attribute returned by a previous request's
* `response_metadata`. Default value fetches the first "page" of the users.
* Used in conjunction with `limit`.
* @param limit The maximum number of users to return. Fewer than the
* requested number of users may be returned, even if the end of the result
* list hasn't been reached.
* Used in conjunction with `cursor`.
export async function main(
auth: Resource<'slack'>,
cursor?: string,
limit?: number
) {
const client = SlackAPI(auth.token)
const params = removeObjectEmptyFields({ cursor, limit })
return await client.users.list(params)
Submitted by user471 708 days ago