import Contentful from 'contentful-management'
type Contentful = {
accessToken: string
environment: string
spaceId: string
const makeClient = (resource: Contentful) => {
return Contentful.createClient(
{ accessToken: resource.accessToken },
type: 'plain',
defaults: { spaceId: resource.spaceId, environmentId: resource.environment }
// Utility function to key an array by a specific key
function keyBy<T>(array: T[], key: keyof T): { [key: string]: T } {
return (array || []).reduce((result, item) => {
const keyValue = key ? item[key] : (item as unknown as string)
result[keyValue as unknown as string] = item
return result
}, {} as { [key: string]: T })
type FieldProcessor = (field: Contentful.ContentFields, value: any) => any
const FieldProcessors: Record<string, FieldProcessor> = {
Link: (field, value) => {
return {
sys: {
type: 'Link',
linkType: field.linkType,
id: value
Array: (field, value) => {
if (field.items?.type === 'Symbol') {
return value
if (field.items?.type === 'Link') {
return string) => ({
sys: {
type: 'Link',
linkType: field.items?.linkType,
id: v
Basic: (field, value) => value
export async function main(
resource: Contentful,
metadata: {
locale: string
contentTypeId: string
publishOnCreate: boolean
fields: Record<string, any>
) {
const client = makeClient(resource)
const model = await client.contentType.get({
contentTypeId: metadata.contentTypeId
const fields = keyBy(model.fields, 'id')
const values = metadata.fields
// Remove empty fields and process values
for (const key in values) {
if (
values[key] === '' ||
values[key] === null ||
values[key] === undefined ||
(Array.isArray(values[key]) && values[key].length === 0)
) {
delete values[key]
const fieldType = fields[key].type
const processor = FieldProcessors[fieldType] || FieldProcessors['Basic']
values[key] = {
[metadata.locale]: await processor(fields[key], values[key])
const record = await client.entry.create({ contentTypeId: }, { fields: values })
if (metadata.publishOnCreate) {
await client.entry.publish({ entryId: }, record)
return record
Submitted by hugo697 118 days ago