import * as wmill from 'windmill-client';
import { Client } from 'pg';
// Define the resource type as specified
type Postgresql = {
host: string,
port: number,
user: string,
dbname: string,
sslmode: string,
password: string,
root_certificate_pem: string
// The main function that will execute a query on a Postgresql database
export async function main(query = 'SELECT * FROM demo', pg_resource: Postgresql) {
// Initialize the PostgreSQL client with SSL configuration disabled for strict certificate validation
const client = new Client({
port: pg_resource.port,
user: pg_resource.user,
password: pg_resource.password,
database: pg_resource.dbname,
ssl: pg_resource.ssl,
try {
// Connect to the database
await client.connect();
// Execute the query
const res = await client.query(query);
// Close the connection
await client.end();
// Return the query result
return res.rows;
} catch (error) {
console.error('Database query failed:', error);
// Rethrow the error to handle it outside or log it appropriately
throw error;
Submitted by henri186 340 days ago