// Details on S3 integration at https://www.windmill.dev/docs/core_concepts/persistent_storage/large_data_files
import * as wmill from 'npm:windmill-client@1.253.7';
import S3Object from 'npm:windmill-client@1.253.7';
export async function main(input_file: S3Object) {
// Load the entire file_content as a Uint8Array
const file_content = await wmill.loadS3File(input_file);
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
const file_content_str = decoder.decode(file_content);
// Or load the file lazily as a Blob
let fileContentBlob = await wmill.loadS3FileStream(input_file);
console.log(await fileContentBlob.text());
Submitted by henri186 353 days ago